Enventys Summer Newsletter

Company newsletters are so fun to write, especially when you work for the company and they’re trying to show off how fun and creative they are and pretty much give you free reign. At Enventys, we decided that the designers should get to have a little fun too, so I worked with a different designer on each newsletter. (This also explains why none of them look even remotely the same). This one was done by super amazing graphic designer and NYC hotspot, Juan Marin.

[su_spoiler title=”United Partners Bank” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Apparently banks have banks too. Who knew? They’re called correspondent lenders and there’s a new one on the block these days. United Partners Bank launched early this year with a little help from our team. Like their name? We did that. Their logo, business cards, stationary, slogan and website? That would be us. It’s all very classy and sophisticated, mostly because UPB is a classy and sophisticated kind of organization. They’ve also got a sense of humor, which let us put a twist on the corporate lifestyle with superhero themed ads that will announce their introduction to the correspondent lender arena. Superheroes for a super bank. I think our work here is done.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”Everyday Edisons” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]If you haven’t been watching public television, you’ve been missing out on some of the most exciting programming in the entire world. Yes, it’s true; Enventys has entered the realm of reality TV with the show Everyday Edisons, airing on American’s favorite station: PBS. It’s a dramatic and moving profile of the beautiful and talented people here in the creative department.

Your TV guide might say something a little different, like that the show follows ordinary people as they take their ideas for inventions and turn them into products on store shelves. Or that the inventors get help from a whole bunch of industry professionals here at Enventys, not just us crazy kids on the creative team. But we all know the truth. Check your local listings immediately![/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”Citiline Resortline” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Much in the same way the jolly tornado from the Wizard of Oz brought color and life to all of Kansas, we here at Enventys have been busy sprucing up the pages of a few local pubs with some sweet ads. Things got started when we teamed up with development company Citiline Resortline to promote The Vyne and The Gallery Lofts, two great properties with cool designs and stellar locations.

We created names, ad campaigns, brochures, signage, direct mailers, and realtor events for both properties, and developed a corporate campaign to promote their Affordably Cool collection. If you’ve been frequenting the pages of Creative Loafing, the Observer or Uptown Magazine, we’re sure you’ve noticed the difference in ad quality. You might have even been enticed to mosey over to The Vyne or The Gallery Lofts to see how your couch might look in them. We did the same thing and can report that your couch and other accouterments will look spectacular.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”Digestive Tract” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]Boy howdy, do we love magazines. They’re like books, only shorter and with more pictures. When we heard Inventors Digest magazine was looking for a publisher, Enventys was all over it like Thomas Edison on a phonograph.

First things first, we said enough with the apostrophe already, let’s get rid of THAT nonsense. Then we rolled up our sleeves and came up with a fancy new design, exciting new sections and a revamp of their website. We also help put out a monthly newsletter. The first edition of the magazine hit newsstands in April and was cited by people in the know as work of unparalleled beauty and a possible solution to the nation’s social security conundrum. We said, “Hey kids, slow down there. It’s just a magazine.” The greatest magazine for inventors ever, but still, just a magazine.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”The ADDY’s Strike Back” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]When we last left our fearless Enventys crew we’d just gotten word that two of our submissions for the ADDY Awards were headed to nationals. No doubt you’ve been as anxious as us waiting to hear how it all turned out. Well, let us be the first and proudest to tell you that BOTH the Paul Puckett “Remember Your Catch” campaign and the Batteries Plus interior signage earned National silver Addy’s! As they say on the blogs: w00t!!

[su_spoiler title=”On Strike!” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]What does Enventys do for recreation? Oh, the usual. We bowl. Drive around. The occasional all-nighter flashback. In May, we dropped pins like it was going out of style over at the Park Lanes Bowling Alley. Delicious food! Splits! Spares!

Ron brought his own ball and shoes because he’s hardcore like that. While he, Jason and Ashley were busy throwing down strikes, the rest of us showed the children’s birthday party down the alley a thing or two about gutter balls. Booyah! It was the kind of midday, midweek outing that really tied the week together.[/su_spoiler]

Meh. I’d rather just view a pdf.